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With Celestron Star Sense Explorer telescopes, finding celestial objects has never been so quick and easy.

1) Place your smartphone in the special holder on the mount and start the StarSense Explorer app.

2) Once the smartphone is aligned with the telescope optics, a procedure that takes only a couple of minutes, you will have all the beauties of the night sky ready to be pointed at.

3) Once the desired object has been selected from those proposed and visible, simply follow the instructions on the screen of your smartphone by moving the telescope to center the celestial object, Moon, planet, galaxy or nebula.


The StarsenseExplorer APP allows you to select the object to target from the list of visible ones. It will then show you the direction in which you will have to move to track it, zooming in more and more until you are on target.

Now you just have to observe it in the eyepiece of the telescope. Unlike all systems on the market so far, including astronomical apps, the patented Starsense Explorer system AUTOMATICALLY RECOGNIZES, through the brightest stars, THE EXACT POSITION OF THE TELESCOPE IN THE SKY.


  • Optical scheme newton
  • Diameter 130mm
  • Focal Length 650mm
  • Focal Ratio f / 5
  • Eyepiece 25mm , 10mm
  • Finder Red Dot Finder
  • Limit Magnitude 13.1
  • Weight 8.20kg
  • Mount Type Manual Altazimuth

Celestron StarSense Explorer 130 DX

Delivery in approximately 20 to 60 days. Contact us via socia media chat or e-mail regarding availability.
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